Wednesday, September 3, 2008

John McCain & Sarah Palin Are Anti-Choice Extremists! Feminists for Life? Barack Obama is Pro-Choice & Will Be A Hero. POP SUPERHERO,POWER OF PINK

Dear Julian,

I'm heading home from Denver and my ears are still ringing from the roar of the
crowd that celebrated this amazing moment in Mile-High Stadium. Sen. Barack
Obama is the leader our country needs right now - and I can't wait to get home
to start the final leg of our fight to put him into the White House.

And now we know what we're up against, with Sen. John McCain's announcement
moments ago that anti-choice Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is his pick for vice

By picking Palin, we now risk having two anti-choice extremists who will push a
rigid anti-choice agenda. Any remaining doubts about McCain's extreme
anti-choice position should be put to rest when voters learn about the combined
anti-choice records of Palin and McCain.

Speak out for the future of a woman's right to choose by making a donation to
NARAL Pro-Choice America to help elect Sen. Obama.

We must reach hundreds of thousands of Independent and Republican pro-choice
women in suburban and exurban swing districts this fall - and we need your help
to do it.

Palin is not just anti-choice, she's opposed to abortion, even in cases of rape
or incest. [Juneau Empire, "Abortion Draws Clear Divide in State Races,"
accessed 8/29/08 and Anchorage Daily News, "Governor's Race: Top contenders meet
one last time to debate," 11/03/06.] Palin is also a member of the anti-choice
group Feminists for Life.

We can't let McCain-Palin continue George Bush's rigid and extreme anti-choice

Help defeat John McCain and Sarah Palin, and help NARAL Pro-Choice America
protect choice at every level. Donate today.

Thank you for everything that you do.
My best,

Nancy Keenan
President, NARAL Pro-Choice America

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