Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bush Wants to Weaken America’s Strongest Wildlife Protection Law. PROTECT ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT & SIGN PETITION... BE A HERO! Pop Superhero,Heroes

The Bush Administration wants to weaken America’s strongest wildlife protection law. We need your urgent action to stop this latest and most dangerous attack on endangered species. Please tell the Interior Department to reverse course and protect imperiled wildlife.

The Interior Department has announced plans to undermine the Endangered Species Act by putting the responsibility of wildlife protection in the hands of federal agencies with little or no interest in protecting wildlife. The proposal would eliminate many current safeguards, including the routine scientific review of any agency action that may pose a threat to federally protected wildlife. These sweeping changes would have dire implications for gray wolves, polar bears, whales and countless other imperiled wildlife that take refuge in Greater Yellowstone, Alaska’s Tongass rainforest and other prized U.S. wildlands. We need your help to make sure the Bush Administration’s dangerous plan never goes into effect. If finalized, it could threaten the very survival of some wildlife populations.

Please send a message urging the Bush Administration to drop its plan to weaken the Endangered Species Act. Thank you for defending our nation’s endangered wildlife.

Sincerely,Frances Beinecke PresidentNRDC Action Fund

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