Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tell Governor Sarah Palin: Stop Alaska's Aerial Gunning of Wolves! BE A HERO: PROTECT ALASKAN WILDLIFE. SAVE THE WOLF. STOP THE HUNT. Pop Superhero

Dear lynn,

Aerial hunting of wolves is Alaska's dirty secret. Despite federal law that bans the use of aircraft to shoot or harass animals from the air, Alaska continues to exploit a loophole that allows states to "administer" wildlife using aircraft.

Tell Governor Palin to stop exploiting loopholes and start protecting Alaska's majestic wildlife »
CLICK HERE: Tell Governor Sarah Palin: Stop Alaska's Aerial Gunning of Wolves!

"Aerial predator control is a smoke screen for special interests. It's un-Alaskan, based on shaky science, and just plain wrong." - Alaska resident and hunter Nick Jans, Juneau, AK

In exploiting this loophole, the state of Alaska allows private hunters and private pilots to "control" wolves from the air or chase them to exhaustion and shoot them from the ground. The hunters are allowed to keep the pelts as trophies or sell them for profit instead of turning them over to wildlife officials.

This spring, Governor Palin went so far as to offer a reward of $150 for each left foreleg of wolves killed within designated areas. A state court identified this as a bounty, which is illegal under state law, and halted the program before any bounties were paid.

It's time for Alaska to end this brutal practice once and for all. Take action today, and let Governor Palin know how much you oppose aerial hunting of wolves »

Thanks for taking action!

Care2 Campaign Team

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