I was at the Topsfield Fair (MA) last night to see a very talented, songwriter/musician friend of mine, ERIC COLVILLE, perform his original tunes live. Then I heard an announcement over the loud speaker: "Pete Best, the original drummer for the Beatles, will be performing live at 7:00 PM." Really? At a small, country fair? To 100 people? Really? I was intriqued.
Upon arrival to the "main stage," I was surprised at what I saw, and did not see: so few fans; 2 drum sets on stage; no band banner on stage (just one for the stage sponsor); 1 small merchandise table, obviously manned someone's relatives. I have a drummer friend who is a HUGE Beatles fan, so I felt obliged to buy him a signed drum head on display. I handed over my cash and was given BLANK drum head instead, while being informed that I *had* to wait in line to have it signed "fresh." Forced cueing for signatures? Really? Doesn't it appear better business for both fans and band to have per-signed merchandise available for those who prefer it? I'm a loyal friend, so I was determined to get this drum head signed for my friend. I sat down and prepared to be entertained.
The band took the stage with no frills, few lights and little energy. They sounded like a Beatles cover band, focusing on the "Cavern Club" days. The voices were strangely close to the Beatles.... coincidentally? The drummers played identical beats, taking turns on cymbal accents and drum fills. Pete Best approached the microphone slowly and addressed the audience directly. He spoke in a metered voice, never above talking volumn, asking us to say "Rowdy" back to him. (*I learned later via the internet that "Rowdy" was his branded word, and the 2nd drummer was his younger brother.) The set list included all the Beatles' familiar tunes from the Cavern Club days. This struck me as brilliant marketing, but it did nothing to sell The Pete Best band's new CD, which was released Sept 16 2008.
About half the audience got in line at the merchandise table, which made me glad I'd already purchased my drumhead for my friend. That was until the relative manning the merchandise told me, if I wanted to get that head signed as promised, I had to get in the back of the line anyway. GOOD GRIEF, CHARLIE BROWN! So we waited. And, we waited. About 1/2 hour later, Pete Best strolls lazily by us, seemingly unnoticed by anyone but me. Most of the @50 folks in line had bought their own memorabilia for the former Beatle to sign. A few purchased stock photos of Pete Best in the original Silver Beatles line-up.
We patiently waited our turn while everyone got their items signed and took a photo to certify it's authenticity. Finally, it was our turn, and informed Mr. Best that this was for a "HUGE FAN." He nodded politely, but seemed tired and annoyed. I asked him to sign the drum head I purchased from his table with his slogan, which appeared on his banner, over his merchandise table: "He put the beat in Beatles." To my shock, HE REFUSED, stating bluntly through tight lips, "I'll put The Beatles." Needless to say, I was now as annoyed as he seemed to be, but said nothing and politely posed for a photo.
This fan was entertained by the Pete Best Band's well performed covers of The Beatles songs, and cover songs, from their Cavern Club days in Liverpool, UK. I was shocked and saddened at Mr. Best's refusal to sign his own slogan on the merchandise I purchased from his own table. Pete Best gives the impression of a man who has never forgiven the Beatles for turning their backs on him. Yet, he's spent his life making his living off the Beatles brand name. What an inner conflict that must cause him! Who pays the price? Pete Best... and the fans who wait in line for him to sign his merchandise, only to be snipped & grunted at, and then refused without explanation. BAD FORM, SIR. BAD FORM. But, I forgive you, because what the Beatles did to you was BAD FORM TOO.
Hey there, I happened to be at the afternoon set and had the opposite experience than you had. It was a beautiful warm and sunny day and the band was rocking. I'm not sure what songs they band started with as I was a bit late, but I recorded 20 tracks of them playing. My recorder isn't the best quality and it's in mono, but I can send you a copy.
It did bug me a bit that these guys sounded so beatles like, and even looked the part a bit....but then hey, they are from Liverpool after all. I was REALLY happy to hear the premier of 4 tracks from the new album, definately the highlight of the set.
There were probably about 1000 people in the audience, and yeah, a LONG line of autograph people. Pete appeared a bit tired, but hey, he's 60 right? the whole band was happy and joking with the people coming through the line, and they all took time for me to ask them questions...unfortunately I screwed up and didn't have my recorder on....
The other drummer, Pete's brother Roag definately added a lot of power to the mix, and the beats between these two guys were tight.
The new album, HAYMANS GREEN is really good, a story of his life. I can verify that when I met Pete in 1986 (he remembers the day) he hadn't played drums for 12 years....hadn't even owned a set....he was nice then, but a little bit lost...the song "Broken" described how he felt away from the drums....it took him alot to get back in the game.
The Beatles definately have shared profits from teh ANTHOLOGY series with him, but most of his life he has worked outside of music. Also "Best of the Beatles" came out in the mid sixties and was a marketing ploy by the record company.....but is a pretty good record, I forgot to ask him about it....
Anyhow - get in contact with me via the Noiseboard: www.thenoiseboard.com I am FrankD
or email fdurso AT comcast.net
WOW... You should contact Pete's camp, or maybe just Pete himself, about doing paid promotion for his music. You're well spoken and certainly helped changed my opinion about him for the better. *smile*
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