2 CDS: $30
2 TICKETS: $120 (originally only $50)
S.A.M. (Secret Asian Man) took me to see Liz Phair in concert at the Paradise in Boston, MA last night... instead of watching the Red Sox game. Now, any Sox fan knows the kind of sacrafice involved here. Yet, he did it anyway, and he didn't pout, or complain, or make me feel guilty. So, I'll quietly watch every other Red Sox game on TV for the rest of the season. Why? Because he's my "hero" for being selfless last night... and simply "being there." NOW ONTO LIZ PHAIR...

My favorite Pop Punk feminist, Liz Phair, played the entire "Exile in Guyville" CD, in order... and sounded EXACTLY like the record! Her band of young men smiled quietly as her equally mixed sex audience sang along, knowing EVERY WORD. (Lots of artsy types, like herself, ages ranging mostly in the late 20s to early 40s.) Ms Phair then invited one lucky, and brave if you've ever heard the song, girl on stage to sing back-ups on "Flower." Liz gestured for me to come up, as I was right in front of her & had been mouthing the words to every one of her songs all night. It broke my heart as I shook my head in refusal, knowing I can't sing right now due to severe back & neck injuries. Only now do I realize this is a decision I WILL regret for the rest of my life. Of course, the elated girl next to me jumped at the chance and belted out every lyric as if she was worshiping at Sunday Mass... an evening she will never forget.

Album completed, Liz exited the stage, making time to shake the hands of every trooper in the front row on her way out. We "Super Fans" were waiting 2 hours for her entrance, to reserve our front row spots. (Next time, I should just ask for a Press Pass, right?) Just when you thought the night couldn't get any better, she & her band of merry men re-entered for an encore of "Polyester Bride." The intimate group of a few hundred lucky fans sang along, without being asked, as if it was the National Anthem. Lucky Liz... Lucky us!

As she was making her second exit of the evening, I reached up hopefully to Ms. Phair, who was rushing by us one final time. It was then I saw why this talented singer-songwriter stands out SO MUCH among millions of others. Hot, tired and longing for back stage relaxation, the songstress stopped to reciprocate my grasp and accept the "Girl Power" & "Pop Superhero" pins I handed her. In that moment, I realized there was a guitar pick in her hand, which she quickly pulled back as soon as she realized I was giving her something of mine, instead of asking for something from her, as she's obviously used to. Showing the sensitivity only women can display, we both had a short, sweet, awkward moment, as she took my pins & I happily grabbed her pick. Did it make her think I didn't want her pick? (A Dunlop, for all the diehards out there.) God, I hope not. Liz Phair was a "Girl Power" Icon before "Girl Power" was a buzz word! No... I think it was humility & grace she was showing me in accepting my measely offerings.
Even though she has every reason not to be, Liz Phair is humble. For that... her fans love her even more. Her feet remaining firmly planted on the ground has kept her fans remaining firmly planted in her career, generation after generation. You go girl... keeping breaking the mold, breaking hearts and refusing to conform to the "cookie cutter" standard for females in the Pop music industry. thank you for helping us, your fans, find "strength through unity" in growing up listening to your music & watching you fearlessly stand your ground CD after CD. This fan feels as if she's grown up *with* you, fighting the same sexist battles, and singing our sorrows about them. Thank you, on behalf of women everywhere, for helping us find our voices and speak our minds. GIRL POWER... STRENGTH THROUGH UNITY!
Girl Power? Pop Punk? Geez, I thought there was more to Liz Phair than that shit.
Oh wait-- there is! Phew.
YEAH... THERE IS... CLASS. (Something your unsolicited, negative comment lacks entirely)
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