Monday, August 18, 2008

BE A HERO: Make Wal-mart Super Stores Post Warning Signs About Mercury in Seafood! SIGN PETITION HERE. Costco Wholesale Stores Do It Now. GREEN LIST

Great news! After more than 8,000 WaveMakers contacted Costco Wholesale stores, the company agreed to post warning signs about mercury at its seafood counters. This victory brings us to 36% of major grocery stores nationwide on the "Green List" of stores that our Campaign to Stop Seafood Contamination has convinced to post the FDA mercury advice. Now, we need your help to get even more stores on board.

Take Action: Tell Walmart to post mercury warnings like Costco

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued advice for women of child-bearing age and children to avoid or limit their consumption of certain types of fish because research shows high exposure to mercury can interfere with a child's development, affecting their language skills, coordination or attention span, among other things. Unfortunately, this information isn't reaching all consumers, as studies have shown that as many as 30 percent of women planning to be or already pregnant do not know mercury in fish could harm their child.

Costco is just one of many grocery companies, including Kroger, Whole Foods and Trader Joe's, that have opted to help get the message out about the FDA advice, but Walmart isn't following suit. Tell Walmart to do its part and start posting signs about mercury in fish at its seafood counters! For the oceans, Beth Kemler Seafood Campaign Organizer Oceana

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