Monday, August 25, 2008

BE A HERO: Be a FREE PRESS "Rapid Responder!" Help Inject Media Reform Issues into the Mainstream News. NEW YORK TIMES,POP SUPERHERO,POWER OF PINK

Help Put Media Reform on the Front Page
Become a Rapid Responder!

Free Press recently partnered with a few activists to test a new rapid response online tool called Collactive. It's really great because it lets people like you inject media reform issues into the mainstream news cycle -- and puts important articles and videos before millions of people.
Even in the testing phase, we’ve had huge successes with Collactive, pushing videos to the "most-viewed" page of YouTube and articles to the "most-emailed" list at the New York Times.
Now we're ready to go beyond testing and offer this tool to the hundreds of thousands of additional activists -- like you -- who make up the Free Press activist network. Please join our Collactive rapid response team.
Learn More: Become a Free Press Rapid Responder

Collactive helps us leverage social networking tools on popular news sites -- such as the New York Times, Washington Post and CNN -- making it possible for important stories to get noticed by more people. It also helps us promote items on sites such as YouTube and Digg -- for thousands more to see.

How does it work? Collactive is a simple add-on for your Web browser that immediately alerts you to important action items, news articles and YouTube videos. It's easy to use and it won’t clog your e-mail in-box. We promise.

Start Here: Become a Free Press Rapid Responder
Media reform issues are often buried by mainstream outlets, and they rarely reach the front page. But using social networks, we can reach a bigger audience, build the movement and spread the word.
By becoming a rapid responder, you’ll be joining thousands of media activists who are working together to make our media better.
Thanks for all your help.
Timothy KarrCampaign Director Free Press Tell your friends about this exciting tool at:

Take action on this important campaign at:
Tell your friends about this campaign at:

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